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Weekend Intensives

Digging deeper into some of the layers of recovery is hard to do in a limited time. An hour of therapy is great - but many of us have to pull ourselves together to go to work or home and operate in our regular lives.  This doesn't give us the time for the unraveling that is necessary to get to the root of the problem.

Weekend intensives provide a safe, supportive therapeutic group environment where you can unravel and spend time exploring the deeper layers of recovery.


We know weekend intensives don't work for everyone. Maybe you're out of the country or maybe the timing doesn't meet your needs.  Our webinar series are lite versions of our intensives.  These interactive webinars provide attendees with some of the essential information we explore in our intensives in the privacy and the convenience of your own home.

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1LD Intensive:
Family of Origin

February 28 - March 3, 2019
Salt Lake City, UT
Cost: $1,995 all-inclusive

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1LD Webinar:
Dating in Recovery

Four 75-minute webinar sessions
11 AM MST: March 24, 31, April 7, 14
Cost: $197

1LD Intensive:
Dating in Recovery

June 6 - 9, 2018
Nashville, TN
Cost: $1,995 all-inclusive

Limited scholarships are available for all of our programs. We are familiar with financial struggle recovery can be.  If you would like to know more information about scholarships or to see if you qualify, schedule a call or use the contact us form below.  We would love to discuss it with you.

Which one is right for you?


We want to help you figure that out!  Schedule a call with Jackie or Amy and talk through any questions you might have.